26 January 2012

Week #2

Bless-U iTeam wins 11-4 and doesn't take a huge lead and give it all back like week #1. Perhaps this team is becoming a team and learning to be really good. We could really use a girl on the team. Got anybody in mind?

18 January 2012

First Week of 20

We played the first match last night and were winning 7-1 before eventually winning 8-7. The team is really good and will start beating other teams up really good once we get some momentum and don't play on that shit full moon table. Personally i think we should require all teams to re-felt (using that Hollywood Special Felt) that most of the bars are now using. I had it put in at RAndy's and it plays fucking great and it's easy to keep clean.

I am really happy to be playing on this new team. I love the group of guys, I love Bless U., I love the Bless U table, and the other Bless U. team is pretty cool as well.

Congratulations to POTIPL for doing an outstanding job his first days in office.
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