16 March 2012

Mistakes, Bonuses, and Penalties

If anyone sees any glaring mistakes on the score sheet please tell me and i'll correct it. I'm really not 100% sure about everything. I thought IPL would update but I ended up doing by memory (not a strong suit) on Friday. For example, I can't remember for the life of me which token white guy on the team is Jeff "Gretsky" and which is Scott. I think Scott shaves his head and Jeff is on the good-looking side but a little gawky, but it could be reversed.

We had a blog for the Santa Mierda team and it had a Bonuses & Penalties Section. Looking back on it, it was actually pretty cool. It would have fined Johnny on Wednesday for missing the 8-ball hanging in the pocket. It would have punished Arno for playing a game over 21 minutes long (Johnny too^^) and it would have punished all of us who lost a game. It also would have given Arno a bit of money from each player for the Special Game.  If you're interested in implementing these ideas for iTeam just tell me. Even if you're not, check them out and see the result for the Santa Mierda season. Pretty Funny!

1 comment:

  1. Does anybody like this idea? Please weigh in with your thoughts.


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